Batman Begins 2005 - A young Bruce Wayne ( Christian Bale ) travels to the Far East ,
where he's trained in the martial arts by Henri Ducard ( Liam Neeson ) ,
a member of the mysterious League of Shadows .
The Dark Knight 2008 - Batman vs Joker (Heath Ledger)
The Dark Knight Rises - 2012 ... Dr. Stephen Strange's 2016 (Benedict Cumberbatch) life changes after a car accident robs him
of the use of his hands. When hospital fails him , he looks for healing and hope in a mysterious enclave ...... Good News for New Zealand ( X ) Christian ( ?? ) islam , yes Christian Bale and Benedict Cumberbatch represent one important person in Malacca ... what relations to Captain America before Valak House ... will explain may be before or after Avengers Endgame depends on situation ..